Tutorial (5)

[Tutorial] Host .np Domain On PHP Host Along With Blogger

Hi everybody! I am here with another tutorial about how to host your website yourdomain.com.np on any PHP web host along with Google Blogger like blog.yourdomain.com.np. You have previously learned about hosting your website on blogger but it is only limited to blog so this…

By Upadesh Shrestha

[Tutorial] Use Your Custom Nepali Web Font

There are lots of Nepali or Devanagari fonts available to customize your website or blog or forum. These can be used to prettify your page according to your need. You may not be aware of using all those instead of using the default. In this…

By Upadesh Shrestha

[Tutorial] How to Port(Host) .np domian on Google Blogger?

Do you want your .np domain to get ported in Google Blogger? If yes then this tutorial may be helpful to you. Okay what are the advantages of porting .np with Google blogger? Some of you may have these questions. I will try to explain…

By Upadesh Shrestha

[Tutorial] सितैमा डोमेन नेम(.np) कसरी पाऊने?

यो मेरो दोस्रो लेख हो येस ब्लोग्मा। म अन्य थुप्रै साईटहरु चलाऊछु तर मैले सितैमा सितैमा डोमेन नेम(.np) कसरी पाऊने भन्ने बारे मा लेखेको यो पहिलो पटक हो। हामी थुप्रै साईटहरु अवलोकन गर्छै र आफ्नो पनि ऐउटा त्यसतै साईट भईदिऐ भन्ने कल्पना गर्छे। यो लेखमा…

By Upadesh Shrestha

[Tutorial] How to get free domain(.com.np)?

This is my first post in this blog. I manage lots of other sites but have never helped other to get their one. We often visit lots of sites and wish to get one like those. In this tutorial I am writing about the way…

By Upadesh Shrestha